Kundalini Yoga | Breathwork | Sound | Self-Mastery
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Welcome to my space where I guide you towards more aliveness by sharing yogic wisdom, empowering tools and inspiring practices.
As a yogini, certified therapist, breathwork facilitator and human being, I use my understanding of the human condition, and my passion for living life at the fullest,to empower others to step into who they really are.
Coming from a background as a corporate lawyer on my way to make a promising career, I quit and listened to the whispers in my heart. I am now living my purpose and creating an income from doing what I love.
With over ten years of experience in the holistic field, I am passionate to share the tools and techniques I found on the way, things that ultimately saved my life.
I used to feel stressed-out, disconnected from my inner purpose and radiance as a woman in a masculine-driven world. Now, I feel more connected to my essence than ever with an excitement for life.
My wish is that what I share will support you make the mind, body, soul connection to uncover the most authentic version of yourself.
"This retreat was amazing in so many ways; a beautifully curated program including so many different practices, amazing spaceholding, a gorgeous location, fantastic food, great people, lots of nature… Loved how each day started with a yoga class and how we then got to explore our voices, sing, dance and breathe together. Felt like the whole group was in a loving flow throughout the whole weekend. Left the retreat feeling inspired and aligned."
Indra Santiago Andersson
"Du har en sån himla närvarande och kärleksfull energi Martina. Så tacksam för att du skapar en sån trygg miljö och ger så mycket av dig själv. Så inspirerande och vackert."
Rebecca Sjödin
Practices that helps us awaken our deeper nature and our blissful creative energy.